Refund Policy

Our Refund Policy were last updated on 28/06/2024.

Please read these Refund Policy carefully before using Our Service.

Thank you for choosing We appreciate your trust in our services. Please read this refund policy carefully before subscribing to our service.

14-Day Free Trial:

We offer a 14 days free trial with no credit card up front to allow users to experience the full functionality of our service before making a commitment. During this trial period, you have access to all features of the service without any charges.

No Automatic Subscription:

At the end of the free trial, your subscription will not be automatically upgraded to a paid plan. We believe in giving you the freedom to choose whether our service is the right fit for your needs. If you wish to continue using our service beyond the trial period, you must willingly subscribe to one of our paid plans.

Subscription Process:

To subscribe after your free trial, you can visit the subscription section within your Tryfont account and go through our simple subscription process with only one dynamic plan that fits all users. We do not process automatic payments without your explicit consent.

No Refunds for Paid Subscriptions:

As Tryfont operates on a 'try before you buy' model with a generous free trial period, we do not offer refunds for paid subscriptions. Once you willingly subscribe to a paid plan, you are responsible for the payment, and no refunds will be provided.

Cancellation of Subscriptions:

You have the option to cancel your subscription at any time. If you cancel before the end of your free trial, you will not be charged. If you cancel after the free trial or during a billing cycle, you will not be charged for subsequent billing cycles, and your subscription will end at the conclusion of the current billing period.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Refund Policy, You can contact us:

Your understanding and support mean a lot to us. As we continue to improve and enhance our service.

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